Neil Steinberg, outgoing R.I. Foundation head, lists issues facing the Ocean State
‘The challenges in front of us are many times brutally simple to identify and very difficult to solve. We...
‘The challenges in front of us are many times brutally simple to identify and very difficult to solve. We...
You are the founding director at Butler Hospital’s Memory and Aging Program. Tell us about the work of the...
‘ Mi historia se ha convertido en mi oportunidad de inspirar y enseñar la importancia del cuidado, la compasión...
‘My story has become my opportunity to inspire and teach the importance of care, compassion and kindness’ PROVIDENCE –...
Para aquellos que pueden no estar familiarizados con el Centro para los Sudeste Asiáticos (CSEA), donde usted es director...
For those who may not be familiar with the Center for Southeast Asians (CSEA), where you are executive director,...
Cuando leímos sobre The Same Thing Project recientemente en la revista Motif, supimos que teníamos que aprender más. Comencemos...
When we read about The Same Thing Project recently in Motif Magazine, we knew we had to learn more....
Un dolor de garganta no mata a nadie. Pero eso le ocurrió en 2017 a Gianna, la hija de...
A sore throat shouldn’t kill someone. But in 2017 that’s what happened to Skip and Tara Cirella’s 16-year-old daughter...
Usted es el presidente y CEO de CODAC. Para aquellos que pueden no estar familiarizados con CODAC, ¿puede darnos...
You are the president and CEO of CODAC. For those who may not be familiar with CODAC, can you...
Sea como el resultado de la pandemia del COVID-19, el aumento de presiones sociales debido a la era digital,...