Q & A with Deb Burton
You are the executive director of RIElderInfo.com. Can you give us an overview of your organization? RI Elder Info...
You are the executive director of RIElderInfo.com. Can you give us an overview of your organization? RI Elder Info...
You have been a leading member of the Rhode Island medical community for decades, and we’ll get to that...
Can you please give us some of your background. We understand you are a native of Brazil and were...
You are the co-host of The Rhode Show on WPRI/CBS 12. Tell us how you got that gig and...
On your website, you describe yourself as “a photo-based artist.” Can you tell us how this is different than...
We came across Trouble No More in a story by Bobby Forand published recently in Motif. He wrote of...
You are the Executive Director of The Economic Progress Institute. Can you give us an overview of the Institute’s...
You are the publisher of ecoRI News, a relatively new non-profit news outlet that reports on the environment and...
Let’s start with your professorship at Salve Regina University, where you are on the Religious and Theological Studies faculty....
We understand you are a native of Colombia. Is that where you grew up? Yes, I grew up in...
You are the executive director of the Center for Health and Justice Transformation at Lifespan. We will get into...
You have been a prominent force in Rhode Island for many decades, with major contributions to social work, criminal...
Read the Spanish version. Where did you grow up and what college did you attend?I grew up in West...