Q & A with Susan Siprelle, founder and co-president of RENEWport
Group to bring acclaimed ‘Bowling Alone’ author Putnam to R.I. in April Susan, can you please tell us about...
Group to bring acclaimed ‘Bowling Alone’ author Putnam to R.I. in April Susan, can you please tell us about...
Two Rhode Island women and their doctors share their stories NEWPORT – Two years after she learned she had...
Raina, congratulations on publication of your latest novel, The Vampire – A Covenant for Peace. We’ll dig into it momentarily, but let’s start...
Thanks for agreeing to do this, Alan. There is a lot to discuss. Let’s start by getting into some...
Congratulations on publication of your memoir, Married in Moscow: A Red-Hot Memoir in Cold War Times. We’ll get into it momentarily...
Jennifer, your site Chopping Potatoes is rich with your writing. A lot to explore, but please start with an overview of Chopping...
Kate, many in our audience are familiar with the center, but for those who may not be, can you...
‘I’ve been asked in other interviews and by other writers and readers about advice for new authors, and I...
Tim, when we read the recent story about you in the Warwick Beacon, it was a no-brainer to interview...
Don, congratulations on publication of your first book, Rambles and Reflections: Stories Gleaned from a New England Mill Village....
Editor’s note: This story was updated on January 5, 2025. Cindy, many of our readers will recognize you as...
Chris, Let’s start with the 2024 Rhode Island Festival of Children’s Books & Authors, being held at the Lincoln...
Alison, congratulations on the recent publication of your latest book, The Wedding People, set in Newport, which became an...