Q & A with Leiyana Simone
On your website, you describe yourself as “a photo-based artist.” Can you tell us how this is different than...
On your website, you describe yourself as “a photo-based artist.” Can you tell us how this is different than...
Originally published by ecoRI News, a nonprofit newsroom covering environmental news in Rhode Island. Read more at ecoRI.org Flats...
Nos encontramos con Trouble No More en una historia de Bobby Forand publicada recientemente en Motif. Escribió sobre músicos:...
We came across Trouble No More in a story by Bobby Forand published recently in Motif. He wrote of...
‘No dudes de ti mismo. Tienes mucho que ofrecer al mundo’ EAST PROVIDENCE – Sylvia Parrott entró en el...
‘Don’t doubt yourself. You have so much to offer the world’ EAST PROVIDENCE – Sylvia Parrott entered Rhode Island’s...
Publicado originalmente por ecoRI News, una sala de redacción sin fines de lucro que cubre noticias ambientales en Rhode...
Usted es el editor de ecoRI News, un medio de comunicación sin fines de lucro relativamente nuevo que informa...
You are the publisher of ecoRI News, a relatively new non-profit news outlet that reports on the environment and...
Permisos comienzan con su cátedra en la Universidad Salve Regina, donde se encuentra en la facultad de Estudios Religiosos...
Let’s start with your professorship at Salve Regina University, where you are on the Religious and Theological Studies faculty....
‘No desearía una catástrofe como el 9/11 en nadie, pero sería bueno si pudiéramos recuperar la sensación de que...
‘I wouldn’t wish a catastrophe like 9/11 on anyone, but it would be nice if we could recover a...