Editor’s note: Updated on Feb. 2, 2025.

Ocean State Stories is seeking qualified freelance writers — and we will pay for your work, with rates dependent on the amount of time to report and write, and the length of the completed story (we look for stories in the 1,500 to 2,000 word range, but they can be shorter or, in rare cases, longer).

Accepted and published stories will be copyrighted by Salve Regina University and the writer assigns us those rights and agrees to not publish anywhere else without our explicit permission. We require freelancers to sign an agreement that specifies this.

Some stories will also be published by our print partners, including the Warwick Beacon, The Cranston Herald, and the Johnston SunRise; and our other publication partners, including ecoRI News, RINewsToday, East Greenwich NewsRINewsTodayRhode Island CurrentThe New Bedford Light,  The Providence Eye and Rhode Island PBS/The Public’s Radio. We also support our writers with our extensive social media channels.

What kinds of stories is Ocean State Stories looking for?

From our letter of introduction:

“Our focus, at the outset, is on journalism about issues that often are neglected or under-reported—stories that explore healthcare, education, public policy, socioeconomic and racial disparities and injustices, domestic violence, food and housing insecurities, ageism, suicide prevention, mental health, veterans affairs, and developmental and intellectual disabilities, among others. They will be told with data, expert input, and, most importantly, the personal experiences of Rhode Islanders. This form of storytelling on these and other issues were hallmarks of Wayne’s four-decade career as a staff reporter with The Providence Journal.”

To qualify, you must be a Rhode Island resident.

Interested journalists and journalism students should send a resume or c.v. showing published work – and, if desired, a proposed story topic – to oceanstatestories@salve.edu