Preguntas y respuestas con Madalyn Ciampi
Usted es el director ejecutivo de Providence Promise. Su declaración de Visión es “ aumentar el éxito K-12 y...
Usted es el director ejecutivo de Providence Promise. Su declaración de Visión es “ aumentar el éxito K-12 y...
A medida que la enfermedad incurable lo mueve hacia la muerte inevitable, el estrés sobre él y su devota...
Former State Treasurer and Lt. Gov. Roger N. Begin: ‘Only when policymakers feel the impact of this broken system...
Retrocedemos muchos años, cuando comencé a cubrir temas indígenas, así que comenzaré con un agradecimiento por toda la ayuda...
You are the executive director of Providence Promise. Your Vision statement is to “increase the K-12 and postsecondary success...
As the incurable disease moves him toward inevitable death, the stress on him and his devoted family becomes overwhelming....
We go back many years, to when I first began covering Indigenous issues, so I’ll start with a thanks...
Usted fue el presidente de toda la vida de NAACP Providence Branch. A partir de esa experiencia y su...
La prevención del suicidio, centrada em las muertes de los puentes de Rhode Island, se ha convertido en su...
You were the longtime president of the NAACP Providence Branch. From that experience and your work today, what do...
Suicide prevention, with a focus on deaths from Rhode Island bridges, has become your passion. What inspired you to...
Durante su largo mandato como columnista y autor de Providence Journal, ha explorado muchos temas, ganó muchos premios y...
During your long tenure as a Providence Journal columnist and author, you have explored many topics, won many awards...