Q & A with Frederic G. Reamer
You have been a prominent force in Rhode Island for many decades, with major contributions to social work, criminal...
You have been a prominent force in Rhode Island for many decades, with major contributions to social work, criminal...
‘Creo que es un péndulo; nuestra sociedad está dividida y llena de angustia ahora, pero creo que vendrá alrededor...
¿Dónde creciste y a qué universidad asististe? Crecí en West Hartford, Connecticut, y me gradué de Emerson College en...
‘I think it’s a pendulum; our society is divided and filled with angst now, but I think it will...
Read the Spanish version. Where did you grow up and what college did you attend?I grew up in West...
Usted ha sido un elemento fijo en los medios de comunicación de Rhode Island durante muchos años y entraremos...
You have been a fixture in Rhode Island media for many years and we will get into some details...
Las pilas de periódicos amarillentos cubren todas las superficies disponibles en esta tienda pintada con un tono azul claro....
Usted declara en su sitio web que ha estado escribiendo desde que era un niño. ¿Qué te interesó por...
You state on your website that you have been writing since you were a child. What first interested you...
Stacks of yellowing newspapers cover every available surface in this storefront painted a light shade of blue. Boxes of...
Coincidiendo con el auge de “booktok,” una ola de videos de 15 segundos que consisten en reseñas de libros...
New books and TV series help break gender stereotypes and empower women Coinciding with the rise of “booktok,” a...