Q & A with Dr. John Quinn
Salve Regina University historian reflects on President John F. Kennedy, who had many ties to Newport and was assassinated...
Salve Regina University historian reflects on President John F. Kennedy, who had many ties to Newport and was assassinated...
¿Por qué no discutimos la emoción universal del dolor? Hace muchos años, el rabino Leslie Y. Gutterman y su...
Permisos comienzan con su cátedra en la Universidad Salve Regina, donde se encuentra en la facultad de Estudios Religiosos...
Let’s start with your professorship at Salve Regina University, where you are on the Religious and Theological Studies faculty....
‘I wouldn’t wish a catastrophe like 9/11 on anyone, but it would be nice if we could recover a...
‘Creo que es un péndulo; nuestra sociedad está dividida y llena de angustia ahora, pero creo que vendrá alrededor...
‘I think it’s a pendulum; our society is divided and filled with angst now, but I think it will...